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Re: phonetic transcription of debian?

On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 01:38 -0500, Aaron M Dulles-Coelho wrote:
> As a linguist, I must ask about the phonetic transcription of /debian/ 
> found at the end of http://www.debian.org/intro/about. The second 
> phoneme indicated signals to me an 'e' sound made such as in made, fade, 
> raid, jade, etc. However the 'e' sound in Debra sounds to me as fred, 
> dead, red, instead (second syllable), bed.
> Is Ian Murdock or his wife of a region where Debra would be pronounced 
> as in the first set of words, or in the second?

As a non-native english speaker, I'm confused. I can't see how words
like "made", "fade" or "raid" would include an "e" sound. Maybe I'm
misunderstanding where the "e" sound is or what it sounds like in these
cases. To me, the letter e at the end of "made" is silent. I'm thinking
the other alternative is that the "e" sound in these words refer to the
letters a or ai. (mAde, fAde, rAId)

And I always thought people had problems with debIAN (deb-ii-n or
deb-ai-n)... :)

Fabian Fagerholm <fabbe@paniq.net>

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