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Re: Outdated page was: Debian Dictionary

On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 11:07:05AM +0200, Jutta Wrage wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 29.09.04 um 20:11 Uhr schrieb Frank Lichtenheld:
> >>makdict takes simple text files with entries delimited by "::". and
> >>makes files for dictd and html pages for different languages out of
> >>those files.
> >Why the special fileformat? Why not using something like gettext?
> As far as I understand gettext is used to internationalize programs. 
> That could be in question for the messages from the program itself. But 
> I do not see, how it could help with dicts and linking between entries. 
> And in addition I cannot see, why any format would be easier to keep by 
> people helping collecting meanings of words and phrases than the 
> colon-delimited. As far as I understand gettext, it is just to 
> substitute words and phrases by those in a special language. And a 
> dictionary does more than that.

Hmm, ok, you're probably right. It may be worth to substitute the
VARIABLES file with a gettext solution, though.

I will try to find the time in the next days to play around with the
code and test how it could be integrated into the web pages.

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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