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Re: CD-Vendor Website

On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 09:06:38AM +0200, Jan Kesten wrote:
> I've read the following on http://www.debian.org/devel/website/todo
> and would like to ask if I can help:
Hello Jan,
  Aren't you a CD vendor? Your name seems familiar.

> This page needs to be split up. By country is probably too fine
> grained. Splitting them up by continent should work well.
That's a fair bit of wml.

> All the vendors web sites need to be checked to see that they actually
> contribute. They should also be checked after each major release of
> Debian.
> Another solution would be to move it to a database-driven system.
> There's already some sort of an internal database that only Craig
> knows about.
Heh, that's because its running on my servers because I'm lazy and got
sick of cutting and pasting.  Running the website itself rather than
my input stuff on a DB means no mirrors though.

> Don't know if there is anyone already working at it, if not I would
> like to do some work. I have enough time to check all websites and to
> build up new pages. If I look at the pages they are really quite long.
The problem is not the data-fill of the DB, I can have unlimited people
doing that, the problem is moving the data from the DB into wml.
Currently I do a batch, about 10, of vendor requests and then dump
them out of the DB into wml.

I've been thinking about this after a few months ago after someone else
asked a similiar question. At first I thought it couldn't be done, but
I think there may be a way.

I can get people checking websites and making updates to the DB, I can
then run the extraction program and commit the new wml file.  There's
still the delay with me doing the extraction but it is only 2 commands
and is not the time consuming stuff.

However, though I'm open to suggestions by other webmasters here, I
think the people manipulating the DB need to be at least in the NM queue
if not a maintainer.  I'm not worried about my own systems' safety; a 
person could get to it if they knew where to look, but it gives some
sort of small safety net.

The splitting however could be done by someone who understands wml well.
Not Dennis-well, which is good because there is only one of those, but
it will be fiddly.  The DB/script work for me at this end will be
reasonably simple.

  - Craig
Craig Small VK2XLZ  GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting http://www.enc.com.au/                <csmall@enc.com.au>
MIEEE <csmall@ieee.org>                 Debian developer <csmall@debian.org>

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