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Re: enable searching East Asian words at search.debian.org


From: csmall@enc.com.au (Craig Small)
Subject: Re: enable searching East Asian words at search.debian.org
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 11:36:28 +1000

> Great, ipadic is 3meg and consumes 12meg.  I cannot expect people to
> download that with the default packages.
> So I'll release mnogo 3.2.10 with no chasen. It's broken anyway because
> it needs some rc files and other things.
> Now for the webiste, I'll get the other charsets going and we'll work
> on the JP problem separately.

Sorry, I don't understand the meaning or feeling of "Great" here.
Can you explain?

You are confusing two different aspects: one is providing Debian
mnogosearch packages and another is how search.debian.org is

I agree that Japanese people cannot use Debian mnogosearch package
but we are forced to recompile it, in order to save megs of disk
space from people who don't need Japanese.  (Please write an
instruction on recompilation at README.Debian).

However, search.debian.org is a different topic.  Since Japanese
is one of several languages for which number of translated pages in
http://www.debian.org/ is more than 50%, it is nonsence to exclude
these pages from the target of search.

I don't understand at all why some of Debian (and other free-software-
related) people tend to exclude Japanese and other Asian languages
from range of support....  Even people who are interested in
i18n and translation sometimes tend to do!

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>

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