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Re: dsa-257

* Wichert Akkerman <wichert@wiggy.net> [2003-03-05 14:47]:
> It is the exact same issue which just happens to be present in multiple
> source packages. To me it makes perfect since to do that in a single
> advisory.

 Then please provide a diff for for dsa-257.{data,wml} file, especially
for the text.  I'm out of ideas how to do it "correct" and definitely am
not the person who should make this decisions -- after all I'm not part
of the security team.

* Michael Stone <mstone@debian.org> [2003-03-05 09:06]:
> This has been done before, IIRC. Just put all the packages in. 

 Not that I know of -- have you a reference for it?  I've found things
like an dsa for w3m and w3m-ssl but that has been sent out with the same
advisory.  This situation is more than different, for it was in two
advisories.  How to merge the advisory number properly?  What to change
the text to?

 Sorry, I really have no clue how to do that update.  And currently not
the time to think about the issue long enough to come up with a sensible
solution, sorry.

 So long,
Aber der Aufwand Linux zu installieren und vim zu lernen ist *IMMER*
geringer, als Outlook das Schreiben von vernünftigen Mails beizubringen. ;)
                                  -- Jens Benecke [2001-06-02]

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