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Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by jfs: webwml/english/security Makefile ref-table.wml ...

* Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs@computer.org> [2003-02-11 14:15]:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 01:21:38PM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>>  And, I'd like to ask you to rename ref-table.wml to something
>> different. It isn't there to produce output by itself so it shouldn't be
>> called .wml, this is misleading for translators (and also the stats).
> Umm... Templates which contain code and are never translated are also 
> called .wml. Why does it matter in this case?

 Because templates are in their own directory and thus an exception for
the stattrans.pl script.

> 	It's not that easy, I tried. You have to have 'make' run first
> make-ref-table.pl to generate crossreferences.wml and then $(WML) it in
> order to retrieve the crossreferences.en.html stuff.

 Uh?  So translations of crossreferences.wml get overwritten, or what?
I'm a little bit puzzled.  Or do you mean ref-table.wml gets generated?
If the later, why have it in cvs, anyway?

> 	The current status separates document (crossreferences.wml)
> from data (generated by ref-table.wml) so it's easier to translate now (at
> least the header of the page, not the data in the table or the table
> header).

 Of course.

> 	I'm adding it to the CVS and removing the ref-table.wml file and
> see if it works..

 Much success.
<Alfie> Von sid wirds nie ein netinst geben.
<hygl> Alfie: darf ich dich damit zitieren, wenn sid stable ist?
                    -- #debian.de

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