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Re: RFC: Paths for PHP extensions and libraries

sean finney wrote:

extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/5.1/20041030:/usr/local/lib/php/5.1:/usr/local/lib/php"

again, seems pretty reasonable, though i don't know as much about
what will happen if a non-forwards-compatible binary is found in
the versionaless directory.  any idea?
Yep. Lets say you've got extension=foo.so in your php.ini, with foo.so located in /usr/local/lib/php/....

1) Cli will return a warning at the top of the output about unrecognised library. It will however continue processing the script regardless.

2) webserver (specifically apache 1.3.x and 2.x here as that's all I use) will put the same warning into it's error logs, but carry on executing the script regardless

3) In the case that foo.so contains functions like foo_bar() and the input php file makes use of this function, either the webserver or cli will give out an error about function not being present.

same comments about the php/$VERSION vs php$VERSION.

Unfortunatly, that's very much a personal choice type question really. I prefer php/$VERSION to php$VERSION but I can see your point entirely.

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