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Re: First call for votes for the Lenny release GR

On Fri Dec 19 16:03, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Dec 2008, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> > On Fri Dec 19 14:24, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > 
> > > It is. Does the resolution say what the new version of the foundation
> > > document will look like if it's accepted ? If yes, then it supersedes the
> > > document. Otherwise it doesn't.
> > 
> > So, if someone proposes a GR saying "we will ship the binary NVidia
> > drivers in main and make them the default so that people can use compiz"
> > but doesn't say they are overriding the DFSG or provide the wdiff for it
> > then that's fine and only needs 1:1 to pass?
> Yes. 
> But try it, you will see that it won't even get the required seconds to
> start the vote. And if it does, it will largely fail anyway. 

Well, sure, I don't think it'll get seconds nor do I think it will pass,
that wasn't the point. My point was that it is clearly lunacy to say
that it's not a 3:1 option, it's _clearly_ in direct violation of a
foundation document. Either it passes but we can't do it anyway because
there's an immediate RC bug against it or it must de facto be
superceeding a foundation document.

> Either we trust the democracy or we don't. The 3:1 ratio is not here to
> protect us from insanity, it's only a matter of making sure that we all
> agree if we want to change the direction in which we're headed.

Yes, and shipping the NVidia drivers in main would be such a change of
direction, whether exact wording of the GR option claims to modify the
DFSG or not.

Matthew Johnson

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