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Re: OT: Top Posting

Since my request started this offtopic subthread I hope I can put it to
Yes I requested to not toppost. I asked politely, and I added pertinent
response on topic. I do not claim to be right or wrong about this. I prefer
interleaved style for reason. Everyone on  this list heard all arguments pro
and con in previous discussions, and there is no need to repeat them. It is
a matter of personal choice though I have to admit I feel a bit emboldened by
the posting guidelines. And in my experience a polite question goes a long
way with most civilized people. You can ignore my request, well you even
ask me to toppost. I will ignore it.
There is no need for a lecture, you have no claim to right or wrong either.
Claiming a de facto industry standard (I avoided the literally sidebar
here) on majority is a questionable argument. Large numbers do not make
right. There are many examples where the majority is wrong. Well I go along
with majority practice knowing they are wrong, just to make life easier. 
I try not to yell at people though for choosing differently. And it is
questionable to get you anywhere anytime fast. And I do not like that Gene
was called an "epitome of humanity" in a cynical way and I earned a
hypocrite long after I copped out of that discussion.

Please let this rest.


Henning Follmann           | hfollmann@itcfollmann.com

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