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Re: debian bookworm japanese kana input disabled

On 9 May 2024 09:14 +0200, from f.rougon@free.fr (Florent Rougon):
>> Last night (JST) I did some apt update && apt upgade.
>> But all of sudden I can't input kana and even print any editer or calc cell.
>> (Roman alphabet has no problem on printing.)
> This may be due to a recent glib2.0 update:
>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2024/msg00094.html

That was my thought as well.

> “The update for glib2.0 released as DSA 5682-1 caused a regression in
>  ibus affecting text entry with non-trivial input methods. Updated
>  glib2.0 packages are available to correct this issue.”
> Hopefully, you just need to update again.

However, I seem to have had a similar issue even after upgrading to
the first regression-fixed glib2.0 packages on Bookworm. Specifically,
dead keys no longer working with the Swedish keyboard layout, and
instead acting as though I didn't press any key at all.

The key press did show up in xev:

KeyPress event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x2a00001,
    root 0x6aa, subw 0x0, time 1153798, (397,298), root:(1268,818),
    state 0x10, keycode 35 (keysym 0xfe57, dead_diaeresis), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes: 
    XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyRelease event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x2a00001,
    root 0x6aa, subw 0x0, time 1153862, (397,298), root:(1268,818),
    state 0x10, keycode 35 (keysym 0xfe57, dead_diaeresis), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes: 
    XFilterEvent returns: False

but despite my attempts nothing showed up in any input field; trying
with both Xfce's Mousepad text editor, KeepassXC and gnome-terminal to
cover various UI toolkits, with the same result everywhere. The
combination of the key press showing up in xev and nothing showing up
in any application I tried with running under X pointed strongly
toward the input translation layer.

However, another physical computer also running Bookworm which I
upgraded to latest at around 09:40 May 9 UTC _didn't_ seem to have the
same issue, despite being set up similarly.

Turned out that there is _another_ upgrade to libglib2.0-0 and friends
taking those packages to package version 2.74.6-2+deb12u2; after
installing _that_ upgrade and rebooting, dead keys again seem to work
normally. (It's entirely possible that the reboot wasn't needed, but
as I had only just rebooted the system and so didn't have much of
anything already open, it seemed an easy enough way to actually ensure
that everything was running at the newly upgraded version.)

So if you're still having the same issue, _try once more_ apt-get
update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade; double-check that you get the
+deb12u2 or newer glib package versions; and see if that fixes the
problem before you poke around too much with the configuration (and
risk breaking something else in the process). Then let us know whether
you're still having the same issue or whether that resolved it.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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