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Re: Zutty fonts - zutty always uses the same font and fontsize

In days of yore (Wed, 01 May 2024), Karl Vogel thus quoth: 
> On Wed, May 01, 2024 at 08:32:31AM -0400, Sirius wrote:
> > If Debian still packages it, look for rxvt instead, or use xterm. Both
> > are well tried and well tested for when you want something.. dated. ;)
>   I resemble that remark.  Xterm v390 was released on 19 Feb 2024, and
>   building it from source is easy.
>   https://invisible-island.net/archives/xterm/xterm-390.tgz{,.asc}

It was meant tongue-in-cheek. OP's post prompted me to start digging into
urxvt and it is now my default terminal. :)

Modern terminals like Gnome-terminal, Konsole, alacritty, kitty and others
are essentially slapping a spruced-up UI on top of something that is 40+
years old. Tab-handling is one of the things that kitty does well that I
really like. But when it takes over ten times the memory for a single
instance compared to urxvt - I can forego the tab-handling and have
multiple windows instead. (Not looked yet if there is urxvt patches for
kitty style tab handling - which would be awesome if it exists.)

And as someone pointed out about the control character handling, there is
a security aspect to pay attention to as well. Xterm and Rxvt have both
been down this road for so long that they have that side of things
relatively well handled.

I've seen zutty because it was installed by default, but I have no idea
why it is installed by default. It does not strike me as the best choice
when both xterm and rxvt are available.

> My mind is like my browser: 19 open tabs, three of them are frozen, and
> I have no clue where the music is coming from.

Oh, I soooo identify with this one.

Kind regards,


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