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Re: youtube-dl → yt-dlp, was Re: OT: Detecting ISP throttling (was: Re: Potentially OT. Videos lagging & buffering in any browser but Google Chrome.)

30 mars 2023, 23:56 de debianlist@potentially-spam.de-bruyn.de:

I was successful at downloading the video with:

yt-dlp --verbose -k --ignore-config -c https://manifest.prod.boltdns.net/manifest/v1/hls/v4/clear/1241706627001/83ddeca4-2e3a-4149-840f-0ca907c2cb59/10s/master.m3u8?fastly_token=NjQyNjYyOWZfOTIzNjUyM2MwN2JlZTI3NjdhNDcwMjM4ZjhmNmY1MmRiZTQxMzM5ZTllOTYyM2E3YTkxZWNhOGQxYmY1YTU0OA%3D%3D

after finishing download, i found the file


If you (the poster who managed to download the video, using the above command and URL) happen to remember how you got to the URL, please either post the steps to the list, or, send to me direct, as I have two more videos from Rootstech 2023, that I want to download, that they have not yet (and are therefore, unlikely to be) uploaded to youtube for viewing/downloading, and, I have problems with the streaming of videos, in that the streams get blocked/broken, causing continuity problems in the videos.

And, whilst I have tried applying the Rootstech web site videos' URL's, in vlc, to view/capture streaming videos in vlc, that does not work. vlc is the only Linux application of which I am aware, that would be likely to download/capture the videos direct from the Rootstech web site, and, as I cannot get that to work, the only means that I believe that is available, for downloading the videos, if the process can be determined, for achieving the downloadable videos as above, is similarly through using yt-dlp, through the web site at manifest.prod.boltdns.net .

But, I have no idea as to how to get to the path, for each of the videos that I want, within or through that web site.

Thank you in anticipation.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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