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new motherboard now Autorepeat of keys even when not pressed down


I recently upgraded my motherboard to an asus  M4A77TD
motherboard with a new CPU.

I am not sure when this problem developed, but it may be related to the above.

Frequently when I type now, and i use the key b or d (for instance many other letters such as space etc as well)
i get an endless stream of repetition of that key thus


and it will just keep on typing until I hit any key and then it stops.
This happens multiple times every few minutes and is quite annoying.

I tried 
xset -r 
and this was very annoying because you sometimes want repetition.
I tried directly to 
xset r rate 500 30 or
xse r rate 1000  30
but still I get this annoying repetition which 
i very irritatimg with say the 
conkeror browser as b keeps trying to back up the browser
and filling in web forms gives me endless spaces or
endless carriage returns at the commond line in a console.

I tried to 
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-input-evdev as well 
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-input-all

any other ideas to try?

It seems related to these problems



Of course this is a machine running 
wheezy, but was installed some many previous debian versions  time ago.

Thank you,
Mitchell Laks

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