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[OT] computer security (online) training

Sorry for taking advantage of the list a bit but as happens pretty
often, this list is more likely to provide useful info on the subject.

I want to begin some training in computer security... training I can
do online... and hopefully a hands on approach.

I'm already an old man at 66 but would like to learn enough to get
some kind of job involving comp security. 

I don't really need a job so far as having an income, since I'm
already retired from field construction boilermaker trade with a
decent pension, but I have lots of interest in security and have found
through my life that there is nothing like having a job in a field to
really make you learn the ropes.

Cutting to the chase... after googling around I see there are many
many computer security training sites and companies.  I need a little
guidance to paring them down with my main criteria being hands on

So, any advice on this would be most welcome.  Anyone who thinks it
should go off list is welcome to email me:
  reader AT newsguy DOT com

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