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Re: [OT] Will upcoming Debian 8 release default to XFCE for the CD media?

On Wed, 08 Aug 2012 17:25:29 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 08, 2012 at 05:45:40PM +0000, Camaleón wrote:
>> I wonder what the other linux distributions are doing in this regard,
>> what the GNOME teams (Debian and upstream) think about it and what
>> other desktop environments can be also considered as good options to be
>> used for the default.
> I always thought it would be a good idea to use XFCE instead of Gnome 3,

Do you really think that XFCE is tested in the same way that GNOME (and 
the same goes for Razor-QT and KDE, for instance)? I mean, there are more 
GNOME/KDE users out there than XFCE/LXDE/Razor-QT and more users means 
well probed software. To make a DE as a default for a distribution 
without being tested intensively can give a bad impression to newcomers.

> but make it look like Gnome 2 (like Xubuntu does, or at least used to --
> I haven't used it in a while).  It feels very at home for Gnome 2 users,
> and I think it's important for Debian to provide some consistency to
> users from one release to the next.  I realize the Gnome upstream has
> made this difficult recently...

Which leads to another question: do you people seriously think there's 
any gain in promoting an old toolkit such as GTK+2 over GTK+3? If users 
don't like/don't want the new gnome-shell desktop paradigm, wouldn't be 
better to join forces with Cinnamon UI instead? Or looking for another 
alternatives to be the default?



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