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Re: d-i manual in convient format

Brian wrote:
On Sat 20 Oct 2012 at 07:28:27 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

Brian wrote:

About 460 KB. Not one page. But does it really matter?

Yes, it matters. Otherwise I would have not specified "single page".
If "one size fit all", we would all bow down at the altar of
microsoft or canonical ;/

You're a hard taskmaster. :)

You should hear what friends, family, and some professors have said since the 1940's ;!

Do-it-yourself is the ultimate way of avoiding dimensional  worship.

Why else would I want to use Debian rather than Ubuntu/Windows.

Download the text version. Edit to remove unwanted material, Convert to
to html with txt2html.

My critical requirement was "single page". I mentioned "html" only because all the Debian docs I've seen are in html and I've seen web based documentation whose default was similar to the d-i manual but offered an alternate URL for a single page version. It's likely that at some point I would have converted the html version to plain text ;)

Comment aimed at future readers:

The d-i manual is available in HTML, PDF, and plane text - q.v. http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual

Information on txt2html available at http://txt2html.sourceforge.net/. Check out the lined examples. I has some interesting possibilities.

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