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Re: OT: Various modethods accesing debian-user list

On Ma, 16 oct 12, 18:22:36, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> We hardcore computer folks shouldn't
> - think to much about foot that feeds our brains, but kill all other
>   organs, so please less junk food and perhaps a frozen yogurt without
>   sugar instead of ice cream
> We hardcore computer folks should
> - enjoy forced breaks, take a long walk and some fresh air
> - take a look, if we still have a family and/or some friends
> - if we don't have a family or lost all friends, we should make
>   non-virtual friends

Agree on all points.
> PS: Isn't there a sandbox list for such OT talk? We do have a lot of
> that discussions on that list and should continuing starting it here,
> but then take it to another list.

See my sig.

Kind regards,
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