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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

----- Original Message -----

From: Lionel Trésaugues <lionel.tresaugues@gmail.com>

> I am experiencing a physical pain whenever I am in front of my
> computer running either Debian (Wheezy) or Debian-based distributions
> (such as Mint LMDE, XFCE or MATE edition). Switching from XFCE to MATE
> doesn't lead to any improvements .
> My eyes start to suffer and soon, I can feel that an headache is coming.

Try to identify what's causing your discomfort: Does your monitor flicker when you're running Debian? Fonts too small/blurry? Bad color scheme? Something else?

For CRT monitors, anything below 75Hz refresh rate results in visible flickering, in my experience. For LCD, 60Hz seems to work just fine.

> The proprietary Nvidia drivers are enabled and my screen uses a
> resolution of 1366x768 at 60Hz (same settings as the one provided by
> the Ubuntu-based distributions). Different Nvidia drivers (series 295
> and 302) led to the same effect.

Consider removing proprietary drivers as an experiment. I'm running wheezy with LCD and ATI chipset  without any proprietary drivers and it works well for me.


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