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It's like this:

>              start here
>                go down
>                  /\
>                 /  \
> PROCESSOR     i386 amd64
>                 |  /|
>                 | / |
>                 |/  |
> HOST-KERNEL   i386 amd64
>                 |  /|
>                 | / |
>                 |/  |
> VIRTUAL-BOX   i386 amd64
>                 |  /|
>                 | / |
>                 |/  |
> GUEST-KERNEL  i386 amd64

On 09/18/2012 09:01 PM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
> Lina, let's tackle this one at a time.
> First the VirtualBox problem.
> What computer is this? Is it your Mac? As far as I know your Mac is 64
> bit capable.
> Virtual box comes in x86 and x86_64 versions. If you are running a
> x86_64 distribution you can install the x86_64 version of VirtualBox and
> a 64 bit version of your target virtualized kernel.
> If any of your: laptop's processor, host distribution, virtual box
> package are 32 bit, then you can only run an i386 virtualized kernel.
> My guess is that your distribution is amd64, but you downloaded an i386
> virtualbox. Try downloading and amd64 virtualbox, or using your distro's
> package manager.
> On 09/18/2012 07:17 PM, lina wrote:
>> Furthermore, the root of this problem is that,
>> today I felt my laptop acting a bit retard, and something not as usual
>> happened. Like:
>> 1] the ifconfig shows the IP, but still failed to connect the web. At
>> that time I just reboot and it worked.
>> 2] Today, another thing acting not as before, it's acroread.
>> some toolbar of the acroread was just "gone", in the past it always had,
>> I didn't do any update, later everytime I start the acroread, I need
>> "Reset Toolbars" by click the right button.

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