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Lina, let's tackle this one at a time.

First the VirtualBox problem.

What computer is this? Is it your Mac? As far as I know your Mac is 64
bit capable.

Virtual box comes in x86 and x86_64 versions. If you are running a
x86_64 distribution you can install the x86_64 version of VirtualBox and
a 64 bit version of your target virtualized kernel.

If any of your: laptop's processor, host distribution, virtual box
package are 32 bit, then you can only run an i386 virtualized kernel.

My guess is that your distribution is amd64, but you downloaded an i386
virtualbox. Try downloading and amd64 virtualbox, or using your distro's
package manager.

On 09/18/2012 07:17 PM, lina wrote:
> Furthermore, the root of this problem is that,
> today I felt my laptop acting a bit retard, and something not as usual
> happened. Like:
> 1] the ifconfig shows the IP, but still failed to connect the web. At
> that time I just reboot and it worked.
> 2] Today, another thing acting not as before, it's acroread.
> some toolbar of the acroread was just "gone", in the past it always had,
> I didn't do any update, later everytime I start the acroread, I need
> "Reset Toolbars" by click the right button.

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