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Re: Changing to digest form

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 04:59:58PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Mike McClain wrote:
> > Bob Proulx wrote:
> > > People using digests usually don't know how to reply using them and
> > > cause a lot of problems.  Please don't be the source of problems.
> > > Using a digested mailing list is hard!  You need special tools in
> > > order to burst the digest to read and reply to it.

    I've always been lucky and just stumbled into mutt which made using
a digested mailing list easy.


> I hate to open a long diversion but what are you using as your mail
> transfer agent on your dialup?  I used to use Taylor UUCP (the
> "ultimate" uucp program) and it was always quite efficient.  But
> different environments are different.

    Exim and fetchmail work well for me except when my ISP hangs up in 
the middle of a fetch.

> In your mutt do 'l ~s "debian-user-digest Digest"' and you can see the
> latest crop of bad responses.  Only a few recently but May was a

    Since the digest is broken and the maintainer wouldn't even answer my
messages I no longer subscribe but will go back to it when I hear it's

    Thanks for your explanation and assuring me I'm not unintentionally
messing up your mail.

Satisfied user of Linux since 1997.
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