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Re: Backup

On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 12:25:58 -0600, Glenn English wrote:

> On Aug 17, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:
>> On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:40:41 -0500, Emil Payne wrote:
>>> I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a
>>> full backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup
>>> every month or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be
>>> compressed in order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs
>>> used).
>> Optical media storage is a PITA for big amounts of data (it's very slow
>> and hard to manage when you intend to do rewrite operations).
> I really hate to be the old fogey here, but if you've got the $$, tape
> sure does a good job. Use Amanda for both incrementals and fulls, and to
> reduce PITA, get cron to run them overnight. Or over the weekend, if you
> want to backup a lot of data, but infrequently.


I see two key problems for that suggestion:

1/ In addition to the cost, tapes are not aimed to plain users.
2/ Using Amanda for a single machine is like using a hammer to crack a 

A backup solution has to be easier and accessible enough for users to use 
it flawlessly, otherwise backup copies won't be never done ;-)



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