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Re (2): xmonad and LXDE.

From:	"John L. Cunningham" <djohngo@gmail.com>
Date:	Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:32:19 -0400
> You may want to search for xmonad on youtube to
> see it in action.

Nice demonstrations, thanks.  The ETH Oberon interface is 
similar except that the inter-track boundary isn't moveable.

I'm interested to see how well navigation can occur  
with the mouse rather than with key combinations.

From:	Bob Proulx <bob@proulx.com>
Date:	Thu, 12 Jul 2012 13:49:38 -0600
> Additionally there are (at least) three layers when looking at this
> topic.  The X Window System itself, window managers, desktop
> environments, in that order.  X can be run by itself, albeit not very
> usefully.  Window managers need X.  You can run very well with X and a
> window manager and without a desktop environment.  Desktop
> Environments need X and usually need a window manager. ... 

Thanks.  Those concepts are crucial and I haven't seen them mentioned 
elsewhere; and my thinking had the relationship between DE and WM 

Now if DirectFB could supplant X, the system would be even more efficient.

> Xmonad is a window manager.  It may run on X and under a DE.  But it
> does not require a DE.  It is perfectly functional by itself on X
> without a DE.
> Xmonad should run fine under LXDE.  I believe that by default LXDE
> uses openbox as the window manager.  That means that before switching
> to xmonad you should kill exit openbox first.

In light of the above, that makes perfect sense and will allow me 
to learn xmonad in short intervals without spending too much time 

> ... x-session-manager ...  always points to
> either the highest priority installed one, the last installed one if
> there are equal priorities, or the manually selected one.

Will also be worthwhile to find how this manual selection is accomplished.

Thanks to everyone for the replies,          ... Peter E.

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