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Re: Worst Admin Mistake? was --> Re: /usr broken, will the machine reboot ?

Hello Aaron,

Needless to say, it was a valuable lesson, one I'll never forget. In fact,
it prompted me to use LocalCommand in my ~/.ssh/config, and echo colored
prompts, depending on whether or not I'm on a production (blinking bold red),
staging (bold yellow) or development (bold green) server.

Like Bryan wrote, that seems a very good idea.

I have been looking at LocalCommand an PermitLocalCommand in the ssh_config file but the documentation is a bit sparse.
Is it indeed all client sided, then how do I specify which command to use for which server?
Can you provide a few sample lines?

So far I had only one (major) mistake and I was able to correct it on the fly.
I thought I did an "init 0" on my machine but did it in the wrong screen where I had a ssh session to a production server. Fortunately I noticed immediately what I had done wrong and issued an "init 6" before the ssh session closed. It worked, the server did a reboot instead of a shutdown. :-) After that I became even more careful looking at the prompt to see where I am but..... color coding like that seems a good idea as well.

p.s. Will that work with a PuTTY session from a Windows client as well?

Bonno Bloksma

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