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Re: corporate firewall from an end user prospective

T o n g wrote:
> The place that I work now block standard outbound ssh (and ftp) port 
> connections. I'm wondering, for a "standard" corporate firewall practice, 
> do they selectively block outbound ports, or do they selectively open 
> them. 
> From an end user prospective, is there any way I can know which outbound 
> port is not blocked that I can make use of? 

In an environment blocking most ports the https port 443 is almost
always still allowed through.  It is needed for so many things on the
web that most sites can't afford to block it.  Because of this if you
have your own server that isn't running https then you can set up your
own ssh daemon to listen on port 443.  Then you can use port 443 to
get out to your host.  And from there you would have your own access.
Many of us use that workaround.


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