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Re: No more GRUB legacy at install time since wheezy?

On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 15:32:31 -0400, Tom H wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Camaleón <noelamac@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If I were the grub maintainer, my first step in dropping grub1 in
>>> Debian would be to make it unavailable from d-i...
>> Ha, how nice! >:-)
>> But the package is still available and thus, it can be installed and
>> thus, it has to be maintained (at least until wheezy becomes
>> unsupported).
> Some advice: like a political candidate coming to an election with a
> double-digit deficit in the polls has to get used to the idea of losing,
> you should get into the frame of mind that by the time Wheezy's
> released, grub1'll have been removed from the Debian repositories.

That would be a great loss :-(. In any case, I would like to see an 
oficial announcement somewhere.

> Regarding the rest of your email (that I've snipped out), I think that
> you're being very difficult regarding the configuration of grub2... :)

I can live with Grub2 or LILO or whatever bootloader (even NTLDR). What I 
hate is seeing users losing options.



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