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Re: Debian safe-upgrade to 6.0.2 - don't run within X session

D G Teed <donald.teed@gmail.com> wrote:
>If you run Debian on the desktop, note that the current updates
>coming down the pipe for 6.0.2 with safe-upgrades
>may include an xserver package update (did for me, and
>mine was up to date before).
>If you run your safe-upgrade from within an X windows
>session, it will cause X to restart, interrupting the update.
>If this happens, only some of your package updates
>will have completed and some will be incomplete.
>Nothing tragic will happen, you just have to run safe-upgrade
>again outside of X environment (not in xterm, etc.)
>I suspect for the same reasons use of Synaptic
>to upgrade will also fail, but I did not verify its
>What is a good way to upgrade desktop systems
>for this case, someone might be asking?
>If you run desktop, use Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get into
>a virtual terminal, login, and do your upgrade from
>in there.  During upgrade to 6.0.2 packages, X will
>restart, shutting down any X applications open
>at the time without warning.  Use Ctrl+Alt+F8
>to return to the X console once again.

The problem here is that some applications have to be restarted in
order for a specific update to take effect. At least apt-get asked me
if it was ok to restart some daemons such as gdm, sshd etc. Editing
gdm out of that list broke nothing, I’ll just have to restart GDM
before I can login again – but that happens automatically as soon as
I log out :)

Nevertheless, it is usually a good idea to stop anything critical
before running bigger updates, though I tend to just upgrade and
restart all my applications the next time I reboot, usually within
two to three weeks (because of a kernel upgrade, for example).

Best regards,

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