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Re: posting Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2011 #1198


We have at least 4 threads here now.....

Looks like the digest version gives enough info. to do the replies properly for each post -- one way or another.

Mucking around with headers is not for everyone, and isn't possible to be done with digest automatically with all mailers either. It is enlightening to read that some mailers can handle this properly, but I still won't go down the track of digest ever again.

I still think the best way to reply, if you get digest and cannot reply "properly" with the correct headers, is to use the online archive to reply.

Someone also mentioned that if they get too many mail messages, then they have an ISP problem .... it is not likely the reason, message count, it is more likely the volume of the mailbox -- ie being too full of data [that is, the sum of all bytes of email in total, not the count of emails], particularly large email attachments, but that is a whole other world of discussion.

I've used digest previously, but not for a long time and not on Debian lists. Most email clients or even mail delivery options (.forward for example) have options to filter mail to various folders. This lessens the burden of overpowering the content of your inbox with loads of list emails and it places emails neatly into relevant folders for easier handling -- and it is much, much easier to work with than digest email.

Threading with proper header records is the only way to go; grouping entirely on subject is a very poor alternative ... it works, to a point, but it is very, very messy [as I said, we have at least 4 threads (probably more) on this single *hot* topic right now]. Why not use the excellent feature of proper threading via "hidden" header records? I can't see how any other alternative could be better under _any_ circumstance, well almost -- there are always swings and roundabouts ;-)

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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