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Re: virtualbox cannot see USB anymore

On Fri, 24 Jun 2011 21:19:03 -0400, H.S. wrote:


> First, I tried the virtualbox-ose from Debian repos until I realized it
> does not support USB. Next, I discovered I can install Virtualbox from
> Oracle to get USB support (after installing the extensions as well).
> That worked quite well. Till I updated my machine several days ago.
> Since that update, I keep getting a message about some USB Node creation
> script not being found during boot. The message is something like: $>
> /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh not found.


Updates can to bork VM settings. You can try Steve's suggestion or even 
be a bit more radical and test with a complete "~/.VirtualBox" empty/new 
profile (do not delete the old one, just move it to another place).



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