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virtualbox cannot see USB anymore


I am running an updating Testing box. For some reasons, I had to use
Windows 7 and installed Virtualbox.

First, I tried the virtualbox-ose from Debian repos until I realized it
does not support USB. Next, I discovered I can install Virtualbox from
Oracle to get USB support (after installing the extensions as well).
That worked quite well. Till I updated my machine several days ago.

Since that update, I keep getting a message about some USB Node creation
script not being found during boot. The message is something like:
$> /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh not found.

However, the file does exist. Looks like virtualbox is trying to run the
script even before the partitions are mounted. So looks like something
changed in udev or something related. In any case, my USB support is now

Can somebody guide me as to how to fix this or how to get USB support
with stock Debian package (preferable)?



Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on gmane.org. Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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