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Re: Question about the new kernel with PAE (Wheezy) - Report

On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 14:05:04 -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:

> On 06/21/2011 01:52 PM, Camaleón wrote:

>> So in the end you need to manually remove the pae kernel and install
>> the 486, as Gilbert suggested.
>> I still think this should have been automagically done by the upgrade.
>> Why proceed with installing something that will not work and even set
>> it as the default boot option>:-P
> They're just doing that to see if we're paying attention!

> I had always assumed that the little sub-notebook's processor would have
> supported PAE. If aptitude had taken upon itself just to switch me from
> 686 to 486, I probably would have thought that was odd, too. At least
> the package manager did tell me exactly what I needed to do. That's a
> good thing for a dummy like me.
> 8-)

Yes, I agree. 

The package manager warned us and the most important, IMO, it is 
configured _by default_ to keep the old kernel. This can sound irrelevant 
but this option is no the default in many other distributions that are 
usually well-known as more "user-friendly".



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