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Re: External hard drive with mounting problems

Jason Hsu wrote:
I have a 250 GB Seagate Expansion Portable Hard Drive that sometimes won't mount.  I end up having to use TestDisk to recover my files from it, and then I have to reformat the drive.  The drive works for a while, and then it becomes unmountable sometime later.  I've had this happen with the drive formatted as NTFS (original) and ext2.

It could be a flaky power source, that can cause these problems too. Doesn't matter if the drive is bus powered or external; if the power supply is not good enough, then mounting can fail and the drive won't be detected consistently.

So, first make sure that the drive is visible -- if it isn't visible, then it won't ever mount.

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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