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Re: Upgrade to Squeeze and KDE

Doug wrote:

KDE 4.6.1 is out. It's used in the latest upgrade of PCLINUXOS. PCLOS does not use all the bells and whistles of KDE, but what it does use, works fine. I must admit that they used to use 4.4.5 and it also worked fine. The trick is to keep it civilized, not to try and squeeze the last oddball goofiness out of it. (When I looked at Kubuntu, some 8 or so months ago, it was clear that that's what they had in mind, and it, plainly, _sucked_!) Download a live PCLOS and try it--you'll see that KDE is not the demon it's so often made out to be.


Ubuntu also has KDE 4.6.1, just thought I'd let you know.
Jimmy Johnson

Kubuntu 10.10 - AMD64 - EXT4 - KDE 4.6.1 at sda9
Registered Linux User #380263

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