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Re: On-going problems with flashplugin for IW

On 2011-03-16, AG <computing.account@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I changed the name of the local libflashplayer.so and fired up IW again 
> - still the same issue though.
> So I mv'd the entire ~/.mozilla directory and ran IW again, losing 
> extensions, etc., in the process.  There is now no plugins directory 
> under ~/.mozilla and after inspecting /usr/lib/iceweasel and 
> /usr/lib/mozilla both have flashplugin-alternative.so installed.
> According to about:plugins shockwave flash version 10.1r102 
> (libflashplayer.so) is installed and enabled.
> However, still the same error message.  Any further ideas?

That version is indeed outdated, but I have no idea why iceweasel
refuses to play flash at all whereas iceape does not. You could try
flashplayer-mozilla from the debian-multimedia repository instead.

Liam O'Toole
Cork, Ireland

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