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Re: dd or cp over network: should I use scp?

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 17:22, Curt Howland <Howland@priss.com> wrote:
>> I need to dd or cp my laptop's harddrive over the LAN.
> Don't use dd if its a mounted file system.


> scp will work, but you have to be careful about thing like symlinks
> which scp WILL FOLLOW, and which can increase disk space use.
>> scp -r / root@
> Two reasons this won't work.
> 1) most of the time, "root" login through ssh is blocked.
> 2) copying to "/" will overwrite the existing, running, system.
> Much better, if you have the disk space on the receiving machine, is
> to make a directory under your normal user,
> like "/home/dotan/Laptop", and do something like this, AS ROOT:
> # scp -r / dotan@
> and then the entire laptop file system will be available to recover at
> will.

Of course, it was only a syntax example.

> But in general, it's necessary to back up only /etc and /home. These
> are where settings and user data are stored, and rebuilding the whole
> system it can be better to build the "system" anew, then just recover
> the user data and any needed custom settings from /etc.
>> What is the canonical way of doing this?
> Canonical runs Ubuntu, you need to ask that question in the Ubuntu
> forums. This is the Debian user list, and while Ubuntu gets their
> software packages mostly from Debian, they have their own issues with
> versions and custom packages.

Nice! I'll use that line next time someone asks me for a canonical matrix!

Dotan Cohen


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