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Re: mdadm without initramfs

Sam Leon put forth on 8/16/2010 9:49 AM:

> I haven't messed with windows since xp. But I do remember on xp you
> could not have any software raid on the same partition that you booted
> from. Which made it pointless... Did they change the functionality in
> vista or 7 or something?

I was referring to the server products, which have no such restrictions.  I
believe you're thinking of a consumer oriented "XP Home" edition.  In that
case I'm surprised it offered any software RAID, period.  M$ is usually very
stingy in this regard.

Back in the W2K era, Pro had zero RAID options.  If you wanted software RAID
you had to install a server version of W2K, which was 4 times the price of
Pro, and in most cases more expensive than putting a good low end single
channel SCSI Mylex or Intel PCI RAID card into the Pro box.  At the time,
$employer sold quite a few W2K Pro workstations with hardware RAID cards due
to this very reason.  And the customer got a performance boost for "free". ;)


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