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Re: mdadm without initramfs

also sprach Stan Hoeppner <stan@hardwarefreak.com> [2010.08.16.1514 +0200]:
> This has always been one of my hangups regarding using linux mdraid (or any
> soft OS raid) vs hardware raid--proper and seamless handling of a raid
> protected boot device, including issues beyond the topic of this thread.  I
> hate admitting it, but Microsoft's implementation of a mirrored boot/system
> disk is supremely simply compared to getting the same thing from Linux.

Why don't you use it then? ;)

> I prefer LSI and Intel raid cards.  I should have said merely LSI
> as the Intel cards are licensed LSI cards.  Hardware raid isn't as
> flexible as softraid as it works at the entire disk level, but boy
> is it so much easier to work with,

… until your controller dies and you find out that the manufacturer
does not support the firmware anymore and your data are lost.

> as much faster.

Do you have research backing that up?

> The single biggest advantage to hardware raid is that you don't
> have to disk with changing bios boot order or anything like that
> if you have to reboot while drive in your boot array is
> offline/down/dead.  It's all automatic.

Why would you have to reboot before replacing a dead drive?? That
sounds like you got your priorities wrong.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
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