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Re: Understanding my recurrent network connectivity problems

lee wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 09:11:11AM +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
> To figure this out, it's a good idea to simplify things first:
> * use static IPs on all the computers connected to the LAN and turn
> off the DHCP server in the router if possible
> * connect the switch to the router as the only device connected to the
> router and plug all the computers into the switch instead
Already done.
> After these steps, see if the problem persists. If it persists:
> * unplug the router, plug your computer directly into the modem, set
> up your computer for making the connection to your ISP
Everything works great, if so.
> * plug the switch into a second network card in your computer, the
> other computers connected to the switch
Eh, I don't have a second NC.
> * set up a firewall on your computer, using, for example, shorewall,
> and configure it so that your computer basically replaces the router
> * set up a name server on your computer to operate as a name server
> for all the computers on your LAN
> See if the problem persists. If it does, replace the modem. Installing
> squid on your computer and configuring shorewall so that your computer
> acts as a transparent proxy for all the computers on your LAN is a
> good idea. You might want to go further and set up your computer to
> provide email services to the computers on your LAN. Setups with
> dyndns --- if you can't get a static IP --- work reasonably well to
> receive your email directly. That frees you a great deal from the
> usually ridiculous limits email service providers impose on their
> users and greatly speeds up and easyfies things for the users on the
> LAN.
> DHCP with these routers usually sucks, as well as the nameservers
> built into them do
Thanks. Today, everything worked perfectly. If it lags at one moment,
I'll try other stuff. Thanks.

Merciadri Luca
See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/
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