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Re: Understanding my recurrent network connectivity problems

On 25/06/10 06:07 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:
> H.S. wrote:
>> On 06/25/10 14:44, vr wrote:
>> Mac address is usually an issue in cable internet connections. In any
>> case, router/modems usually have a feature called "clone mac address"
>> exactly for this kind of situation, it clones the mac address of your
>> hardware and shows that mac address to the peer on ISP's side.
> Sad to need to go so far to enjoy something you already pay for. But,
> well, as I said earlier, I had never had any problems with my ISP
> before. Thus, except if they radically changed their policy...

Yes. I am pretty sure they would let you know before changing stuff so
drastically. I suppose you can safely rule out this possibility while
debugging your problem.


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filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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