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Re: Understanding my recurrent network connectivity problems

Alan Chandler wrote:
> On 25/06/10 23:34, John Hasler wrote:
>> Merciadri Luca writes:
>>> ...what else can you buy if you need to connect>4 computers?
>> Put 2 NICs in an old pc and install Debian.  It'll outperform any
>> consumer-grade router on the market.  Buy a switch to connect all your
>> computers.
> Until November last year I had been running an old Celeron to do just
> that.  I started a few years before when one christmas there was a
> worm going round which caused my router to receive about 7000 arp
> messages a second - needless to say I go through two netgear routers
> and a d-link one before I decided a PC was the way to go.  It never
> got near to falling over, and at the same time ran the firewall, and
> mail, dns dhcp and backup services for the home and my external web
> sites (several).
> This computer had up-times exceeding a year and only went down when we
> had an external power failure or I needed to upgrade the disks (I
> started with a single 8.4G IDE drive and finished up with 2 * 120G
> SATA and 1 * 200G IDE.
> Last November I switched all this over to a Sheeva Plug
> (www.plugcomputer.org) in order to try and be more energy efficient
> and that is what I am running today.  However I can't recommend it,
> and am just about to switch back to a PC because
> a) It blew the power supply which then blew up the computer and took
> down the SD Card in it (I had spares, so could rebuild one from my
> backup and carry on).  Upon investigation on the plugcomputer forums
> this seems to be a regular occurrance and looks like poor design, so I
> am migrating back off it as soon as possible and will use the sheeva
> plug as a portable server.
> b) It did still occassionally lockup solid
> I have a switch using several wired connections for our desktop PCs
> and a wireless access point plugged into the switch as a way of
> creating a lan.
Thanks for this suggestion.

Merciadri Luca
See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/
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It's the early bird that gets the worm.

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