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Re: Understanding LVM UUIDS

On 06/23/2010 03:30 PM, Camaleón wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 13:02:36 -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
>> Whether or not these are his reasons, I can tell you why that is a wise
>> move. UUIDs are unique to the device/filesystem. The major advantage of
>> using UUIDs is that you don't have to worry about reordering of disks by
>> the kernel when it sees it in a different order than previous.
> Yes, I know.
> But if the installer has setup (by its own) as default method for naming 
> devices the old one and I am not experiencing any problem with that, for 
> sure I won't change that. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Sure. But you can also avoid breakage through proper administration.

>> This isn't recommended, because if the Linux kernel developers change
>> drivers, and the drives become a new device (just as it happened when
>> ditching the PATA driver for SATA, and /dev/hda became /dev/sda), your
>> partitions/volumes won't mount. Instead, you should either be using
>> LABELs or UUIDs.
> I know, I know... but Lenny developers decided to go this way for any 
> reason and I will respect that. I'm aware that nowadays any modern 
> distribution is using "uuid" or "id" at least in "/etc/fstab" but as I 
> said, I still have not seen any good reason to change it.

So, you blindly accept what the developers think is good for your
system? I understand they're developers for a reason, but even
developers make mistakes. And having "/dev/sd??" in your /etc/fstab just
might be one of them.

FWIW, when the kernel switched disk drivers from PATA to SATA for
identifying IDE drives, I had already moved my /etc/fstab to UUIDs, and
I didn't have a problem with the upgrade. Friends of mine, however, got
to rescue their system, because it wouldn't boot. To each their own.

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