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Re: Hundreds of sshd processes spawned by Postgresql

Marc Shapiro put forth on 6/24/2010 9:47 AM:

> I am getting lines 
> like:
> tcp        0      1        SYN_SENT    9853/sshd
> tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED 9995/sshd

It appears someone has cracked/pwn3d your Debian host.  That's an _outbound_
SSH connection. is HINET network space in Taiwan.

You need to pull the cable on the machine, or firewall out all SSH connections
but _yours_ and clean up the box.  Given that they're able to make _outbound_
ssh connections from your host, they likely have root access already and/or
have installed a rootkit.

Your only truly safe bet it to wipe the machine's disks and reinstall Debian
from scratch.  Backup your database first and any critical files.


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