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Sjors van der Pluijm wrote:
Op vrijdag 8 januari 2010 12:26:37 schreef Stan Hoeppner:
Sjors van der Pluijm put forth on 1/8/2010 5:13 AM:
3. Is it ok to have swap and /boot on an encrypted LVM?
Never run encryption on swap.  Doing so merely burdens performance.  I
 doubt even NSA, CIA, MI6 encrypt swap partitions on workstations.
Well, I might heave read wrong, but I thought the Debian installer warned me not to leave swap unencrypted while other partitions are encrypted. It makes sense too: sensitive content could easily be written to swap.

i maintain a few laptops with encryption and i developed the following habit.

/  10GB
/home the rest + encryption

these are fairly new laptops with or more then 1GB RAM, simply not having any /swap solves the problem and with enough RAM available i never had any problem.

not having the / root partition encrypted leaves some room for trouble shooting is the thought here since the sensitive information is in the /home anyway.

not sure if this is the best way to do this but its simple and works nicely in my experience.


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