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Re: Expanding subnets

Hi kj,

On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 09:35:15AM +0100, kj wrote:
> I need to feed subnets into a database in the format 192.168.0.% or 
> 192.168.%.%

Whenever I find myself trying to do something like this, I stop and
consider if my database design is optimal.

You can store an IPv4 address as a 32-bit unsigned integer, and you
can store an IPv4 network as one of those together with a prefix
between 0 and 32.  You can then do operations on these.


> which means, for example, should break down into:
> 192.168.0.%
> 192.168.1.%
> Does anyone know of a way to convert this?

Perl's Net::Netmask module helps:

$ perl -MNet::Netmask -e '$block = new Net::Netmask(""); print join("\n", $block->enumerate(24)), "\n";'

After adding some validation, you could replace the trailing '.0'
with '.%'.


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