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Re: Debian+LVM+RAID

On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 02:19:44AM -0600, lee wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 03:33:01PM +1000, Alex Samad wrote:
> > > Creating a swap partition on a software RAID device isn't ideal.
> > 
> > what happens if there is something important swapped out and that drive
> > dies ?  I could understand not wanting to put it on lvm and then raid1.
> When the swap partition quits working, the system might stop
> working. So the question is what's more important, increased
> reliability or faster swap.

I am not sure that raid1 is noticeable slower than raid0 (or jbod), raid
5 maybe or any other parity raid

> Personally, I'd feel awkward about having swap partitions on
> a software RAID, but when setting up something like a server to
> provide important services for a company, I would insist on using a
> good hardware RAID controller and likely put the swap partition onto
> the RAID.

Depends on how much you are going to spend on the controller and weather
or not you are going to have battery backed up cache - if you not you
might aswell go software raid (only talking raid1 here).

If you do spend the money and have multiple machines then you might as
well go for a san......

I would suggest for most commercial situations a software raid setup or
2 raid 1 disk is a far better solution that a proprietary hardware raid

> > > BTW, wouldn't you rather create a partitionable RAID from the whole
> > > disks and then partition that? If not, why not? (Letting aside where
> > > to put the swap partition ...)
> > 
> > I have had to rescue machines and having a simple boot + / make like a
> > lot simpler  - why make life hard
> Aren't you making it hard by having to partition all the disks
> involved and then creating RAIDs from the partitions? It's more work
> when setting it up, and it can turn into a disaster when something
> with discovering the RAID goes wrong.

sfdisk -d <master device> > raidlayout.out

sfdisk <new raid device> < raidlayout.out

you could wrap it inside a for loop if you want 

> For example, when I put the disks containing my RAID-1 into another
> computer and installed the raid tools, I was asked questions about
> starting the raid and answered that I wanted to start the RAID arrays
> when booting. I had the disks partitioned and had created RAID arrays
> from the partitions.
> The result was that the RAID was started immediately (which I consider
> as a bug) instead when booting, before I had any chance to check and

but you said above you gave the okay to start all raid devices, so why
complain when it does it ?

> to configure the RAID arrays correctly so that they would be detected
> as they should. It started resyncing the md devices in a weird way. I
> was only lucky that it didn't go wrong. If it had gone wrong, I could
> have lost all my data.

And this why we have backups

> Now when I got new disks, I created the RAID arrays from the whole
> disks. In this case, I didn't partition the RAID array, but even if I
> did, the number of md devices was reduced from the three I had before
> to only one. The lower the number of md devices you have, the less
> likely it seems that something can go wrong with discovering them,
> simply because there aren't so many.

I don't think you are going to have overflow problems with number of
raid devices

> To me, it seems easier to only have one md device and to partition
> that, if needed, than doing it the other way round. However, I went
> the easiest way in that I have another disk with everything on it but
> /home. If that disk fails, nothing is lost, and if there are problems,

well except for /etc/

> a single disk is the simplest to deal with. --- I might have done it
> otherwise, but it has been impossible to install on SATA disks because
> the modules required to access SATA disks are not available to the

if you have a look at the latest installer i think you will find it has
all the necessary modules now 

> installer. Maybe that has been fixed by now; if it hasn't, it really
> should be fixed.

I was suggesting to put / on its own partition as well as /boot. boot I
do out of habit from long time ago, with busybox you can access the
system even if the other partition as corrupted and still try and
salvage stuff 

The suggest I have made are for reducing risk, the gain made by having a
separate root and boot  in my mind a re worth it.

In a production environment you have change management procedures or
at least some documentation.

> In which way having many md devices made it easier for you to perform
> rescue operations? Maybe there are advantages I'm not thinking of but
> which would be good to know. I want to get rid of that IDE disk and
> might have a chance to, so I'm going to have to decide if I want to
> install on a RAID. If it's better to partition the disks rather than
> the RAID, I should do it that way.

You have missed the point the advantage is have a separate / and a
separate /boot to protect them you can even mount /boot as ro.

All the partitions are raided again for protection.  If you are worried
about a little complexity then managing HA and/or production system
might not be up your alley.


Having said all that, there is no golden rule, each situation needs to
be addresses individually weighing you the risks compared to the gains

For me as a creature of habit I usually follow the layout I specified
before - because it has worked and it has save me time and it is very
flexible, your mileage might vary.


"Kosovians can move back in."

	- George W. Bush
CNN interview

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