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Re: How to create hidden files?

* Dennis Wicks <wix@mgssub.com> [2009 Jul 03 19:00 -0500]:
> Greetings;
> Back in the dim distant past I remember that one could create hidden or 
> "secret" file with Basic on DOS and at least early Windows (3.0). I was 
> never able to figure out where those files were.
> Any way, is there a way of doing this in linux? I know that some 
> commands/programs won't show .xx files by default, but that isn't the 
> same sort of thing as Basic did.
> Any body have an idea?

The so-called "dot files" are the equivalent to the DOS "hidden" files
as both could be displayed with the relevant command switches as I
understand it.  Perhaps there is some way to hide a file so that even
`ls' or Midnight Commander won't display them, but I'm not familiar
with it.

- Nate >>


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