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Re: Things I'm missing/misconfiguring in KDE 4.2

In <[🔎] 75g684F17tjtcU1@mid.dfncis.de>, M. Henne wrote:
>1. (program starter)
>In KDE 3.5, there was a mini-application for the kicker
>that gave me an input line to enter a command and start
>a program directly. I could not find that in KDE 4.

The "command-line" you want is provided by KRunner, and there is a UI for it 
available from Alt+F2.

However, what you really want is a 'KRunner Widget' for plasma to replace 
the 'Command-Line Applet' for kicker.  I don't think one of those exists 
right now.  A wishlist-priority bug somewhere might be apropos.

>2. (math expressions)
>There was a kicker applet that was able to evaluate mathematical
>expressions that could be typed in using an input line on the
>kicker. There is such a thing in KDE 4, but it lacks a lot
>functionality (e. g., it has no history and could not
>parse some functional inputs).

Again, this is provided by KRunner.  I also could not find a history for it, 
so you might consider filing a wishlist-priority bugs for this as well.  If 
there is a functional input that doesn't work, it should be filed as a bug 
or wishlist-priority or greater--greater if it something KRunner is already 
supposed to support.

>3. (window maximizing + appearing)
>I am still not able to configure the window behaviour for two
>(or more?) monitors. I cannot configure on which monitor
>new windows open by default and I cannot tell KDE to maximize
>applications only to the size of one monitor instead of the
>whole desktop.

Your Xinerama (or vendor-specific alternative) is not configured correctly 
then.  That's a X server configuration issue, not *entirely* a KDE problem.  
Once Xinerama is working, KDE 4 should start providing window management 
configuration options that only make sense in multi-monitor mode.

>5. (combined ram/cpu/disk-usage applet)
>I once had a kicker applet for the KDE 3.5 kicker, that gave me
>system information bars on CPU-usage, disk-usage and RAM usage.
>It was very compact (three vertical bars). I found a CPU-usage
>diagram for KDE 4, but I could not find anything for RAM usage
>and the CPU-Diagram takes more space in the kicker only for CPU
>than the old applet took for CPU/RAM/Disk-usage.

I also don't like the existing System Monitor widget.  I actually want the 
ksysguard kicker applet from KDE 3 converted directly over, which is much 
more complex that you want.  You might find the author of the kicker applet 
and see if (s)he has a version for KDE 4 and/or search kdeapps.org for a 
plasma widget that has exactly the features you want.  It should be 
relatively easy to write one, as I think the appropriate "DataEngine"s 
already exist.

It won't be in Debian until someone writes it and someone (else?) decides to 
package it and commit to maintaining it in Debian.  But, the Qt/KDE is 
constantly overworked right now[1], so asking for developer time from 
upstream will probably be more productive.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.           	 ,= ,-_-. =.
bss@iguanasuicide.net            	((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy 	 `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/        	     \_/

[1] Please help.  There's a lot of things that the "average user" can do to 
lessen the load on the team, particularly bug triage.

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