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Re: Aptitude help

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 16:35, M. Lewis <cajun@cajuninc.com> wrote:
> How can I resolve this dependency?
> Aptitude has given up resolving the dependencies. It appears that
> linux-kbuild-2-6-28 is not available yet:
> moe:/tmp/kde-cajun# apt-cache search linux-kbuild
> linux-kbuild-2.6.26 - Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.26

I did this a while ago for .27, I had to build a kbuild deb myself.
However a .27 orig.tar.gz is/was available to build from at

I don't know if the same one could be used or modified and
used for .28 (I have no idea what is in kbuild)

That's all I know on this subject, hope it helps a little.

Kelly Clowers

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