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Re: Best File System for Cross-Platform backup

On 12/25/08 01:47, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
I got an external hard drive to do some backup and it was formatted as
FAT32, which is a logical choice. But I thought why should I use FAT32.
I have a Debian Testing and a Mac Machine. I could use a more advanced
file system that has journalling, etc.

So I decided to do a compromise. I formatted 100GB as Fat32 in case I
need to plug it in to a windows machine. But the rest is in ext3
format. So I used gparted to do this. But now when I mount the ext3
partition, only root can copy files to it. Why is that?

Unless there's something that you've neglected to mention, it's because you haven't granted write permission on that directory tree to any other user or group.

Also, what other file systems should I use?

The obvious answer: whatever is writable by MSFT, Linux & OSX. It appears that ext2 can be be made to work on Windows and OSX.


Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

I like my women like I like my coffee - purchased at above-market
rates from eco-friendly organic farming cooperatives in Latin America.

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