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Re: Possible DNS issue in Debian/Lenny?

Michael Shuler wrote:
On 11/28/2008 06:07 AM, Michael Shuler wrote:
Facebook is still going to load slowly due to 30 second TTL on the A
record for www. and 10 minute TTL on inconsistent NS records.  They are
announcing a set of NS records from the .com TLD servers, then handing
out completely different short-TTL NS records where the client needs to
perform final lookups, then handing out a final record that expires in
30 seconds, so the client has to go do it all again..  the price of
popularity and having to implement gss load balancing, I suppose..

Just to correct my coffee-deprived quick look..  the www. NS records are
consistent - they are delegating the www. subdomain to their gss load
balancers, which hand out the final A record lookup.  A 'dig +trace
www.facebook.com' will show you the full authoritative path.

Thanks for all this useful information! I'm a first poster to this
mailing list or any mailing list for that matter and its really
refreshing to see so many competent people willing to help.

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